Attitude of gratitude week 4

Day 1- Today I am grateful fro adversary because it takes darkness to see the light. Cliche, but very true. There is something very humbling about stepping out of a dark moment, afterward for me, there is always a creative surge that comes with a new found sense of Self. I realize my abilities, I recognize my faults and I keep it moving.  

Day 2- I am so grateful for my job. I don't usually dedicate these moments of gratitude to think of the things that are of the worldy part of my life but however, today I feel as if I should honor my job momentarily. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to learn and grow in an environment that is completely foreign to me. 

Day 3- Today is Thanksgiving and here I am again spending it away from my home in Florida. I am grateful for the time spent in the past with them. Now, I value the time spent with my loved ones that I am far away from more than ever because I know now that it can be gone in an instant. Take the time today to show someone you care about some love, as the saying goes, people never get the flowers when they can still smell them. 

Day 4- I am grateful for connection. Since moving here I haven't spent much time connecting with my peers and today I was able to. It felt so good to talk to people who can relate to me, that I could share laughs and be my genuine self. 

Day 5- I am grateful for bravery. Usually, I despise driving, especially all the way to DC, but I'm so glad I grew a pair and did it. I think ultimately it gave me a moment to reflect on my growth as a person. Six months ago, I would have been overwhelmed with anxiety and unable to let myself drive so far and today I made the drive with ease. 

Day 6- I am grateful today for rest. I have had a very active weekend so today when I came home I took the time to honor my body and take some rest. There is no better feeling than taking a little self-care by being lazy and Netflix and chilling by yourself! Haha! 

Day 7- Today I am grateful for silence. There is something very beautiful about stillness that silence gives. The parallel of silence is much needed in our very busy lives. For me, I enjoy being able to take a moment to process everything that has been going on throughout the day. More importantly, it gives a more clear and focused mind to carry with the day to come.

Attitude of Gratitude- realization